What are the benefits of having a Lawyer prepare my Lasting Power of Attorney?
A qualified lawyer has a duty to act in your best interests and instructing a qualified lawyer to...
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney and do I need one?
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) are crucial legal documents that allow you to appoint someone you...
Narcissism in Divorce
Narcissism in Divorce: Understanding the Impact and Navigating the Challenges Divorce is often a...
Splitting Up In Later Life
What You Need to Know About Splitting Up Later in Life Grey divorce, or 'silver splitter divorce'...
Pre Nuptial A pre-nuptial agreement, or prenup, is a legal contract that couples sign before...
Don’t forget the pension in your divorce!
The importance of pensions in divorce Pensions are often overlooked when couples are separating....
Why Would You Need a Family Solicitor?
Playing a crucial role A family law solicitor plays a crucial role in navigating the intricacies...
Navigating Family Court Alone
Understanding the Expenses Involved In the realm of family law, seeking the guidance of a...
Navigating Family Law Costs in the UK
Understanding the Expenses Involved In the realm of family law, seeking the guidance of a...
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) why should I have one?
What is a cohabitation agreement and why might I need one?
What is a cohabitation agreement and why might I need one?
What is a cohabitation agreement and why might I need one?
What is a prenuptial agreement (prenup) and why might I need one?
As wedding season approaches, we thought it would be a good idea to shine a spotlight on...
No Fault Divorce – the story so far
Since the changes to divorce law were introduced in April 2022, we have had some positive feedback...
How do I manage someone’s Estate after their death?
When someone you love dies, aside from the emotional stress and the need to organise the funeral,...
5 steps to dealing with conflict after divorce
How to deal with conflict after divorce Researchers estimate that 15-30% of people that have gone...
Parental Alienation – what is it and how is it dealt with?
We know how upsetting it can be, when arrangements to spend time with your children are becoming...
What are the legal considerations when buying a home with my partner?
Buying a home with your partner can be an exciting time, with lots of research to do, decisions to...
Guest Blog – Things to think about when arranging an LGBTQ+ funeral
Every funeral is unique and with a little thought and attention to detail, it is possible to...
No Fault Divorce – Changes to the Law, April 2022
It has been a long time coming, but the new ‘No Fault’ divorce law will start on 6 April 2022. The...
Guest Blog – Using Continuing Bonds to Navigate the Grief Process
Grief is often described as a journey, although for many people it doesn’t have a clear start and...
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